dilluns, 20 d’abril del 2020


Types of music:

I really like music, I lovve music, I think it is a very good way to distract yourself and leave bad moments behind and start dancing, singing .....
There are many styles of music, from classical to trap or hardcore.My favorite style of music is trap and rap, all styles of music express feelings or are a way to protest anything.
Today, teens' most popular genre of music is trap and rap. I honestly like all styles of music, flamenco, rock, hardcore, rap, trap, reggeateon, pop, reggae. I practically like all music, but I find that every style of music has to be listened to at a certain time, such as if I'm sad, because I will feel trap, rap or flamenco expressing what I feel at that particular moment.
Here are some of the trap, rap and reggaeton singers I hear: Alemán, Arcangel, De la Ghetto, Brytiago, Bad Bunny, Ñengo Flow, 6ix 9ine, Maikel Delacalle, DrefQuila, Duki, Anuel AA, Farruko, J Balvin, Wisin, Karol G, Khea, Paulo Londra, XXXTentación, Ozuna, Lil Pump, Lenny Távarez, Miky Woodz and Daddy Yankee Flamenco: Camarón de la Isla, Paco de Lucía, Lola Flores, José Mercé, Estrella Morente and El Cigala (Diego el Cigala).

dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2020


Clothing brands

In this post i will talk about the most expensive clothing brands.
I like expensive branded clothes though i don't have any.
The most famous and expensive clothing brands are: Gucci, Prada, Louis Vouitton, Kenzo, Versace, Giorgio Armani, Balenciaga or Tommy Hilfiger
Gucci or Versace simple shoes are priced between 490€ and 1.000€
Or a simple KENZO T-shirt can cost you between 90€ and 255€
I like these brands for the simple fact that they are always up to date.
Logo de Gucci: la historia y el significado del logotipo, la marca ...Kenzo Logo | evolution history and meaning
Versace: un emblema del lujo marcado por la tragedia - elEconomista.esBalenciaga logo Modelo 3D in Ropa 3DExport